Reason for requesting reinstatement at the moment

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Reason for requesting reinstatement at the moment

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Entertainment

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Reason for Requesting Reinstatement at the Moment
After an extended period of regret for the lost chance for continuity of my education, planning for the best, and rediscovery, I felt the need to request for reinstatement in the University. My previous experience leading to the discontinuity of my education was challenging and unsuitable for my best performance. Although the University is well equipped and learning climate enabling to student’s excellence (Rainie & Anderson, 2018), I found myself falling as my health, both physical and mental declined. Furthermore, my grandfather and a mentor got sick, these conditions gave me a shock. However, these occurrences have ended now, and I can provide the best academic and social performance.
Serious challenges followed my new residency in Canada due to my homesickness, health problems, and depression. I have overcome these conditions and adapted to the Canadian climates. My grandfather has recovered as well, and I communicate with him frequently. We have even agreed that I will be visiting him this summer and spend ample time with him. He is important to me. I understand that it is a privilege to have a chance to study in a higher institution of learning in Canada. For this reason, I want to make the better use of this opportunity than I did in my first year. I am an excellent performer as evidenced by my high school grades and awards, and capable of performing as well. Therefore, I am kindly requesting for the reins…

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