Management Admission

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Management Admission

Category: Admission Essay

Subcategory: Management

Level: Masters

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Question 1
During my first year at North Bengal University, our dean of students in a matriculation ceremony said that money is equated to emotions, which has to be managed to ensure life is on the right course. He said as we were fresh from high school we would have limited skills for personal financial management and that would affect our life in the university if we failed to improve those skills. I was taking business administration, and I listened keenly as my passion for pursuing my career burned inside me. I always had interests in finance related subjects, and this was the best platform to quench my thirst. After that day, I joined a finance club that was ongoing, and it was during the clubs elections that all posts had been filled except the one for the treasurer. Nobody was willing to occupy the position since it was associated with funds misappropriation and the penalty was stringent for the culprits. Some friend whispered to me that there were many loopholes form money to be lost in the treasury even without the knowledge of the treasurer. For that reason, no student wanted to fill the position. I did not see the essence of what my friend said, and I raised my hand to fill the position with courage and confidence. Everybody was amazed and from the look of things they realized that I was a new student and the room was quiet as I was being announced as the finance club’s treasurer. A person was to assume the office for one academic year and replaced in the next o…

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