In your opinion what is the greatest challenge your generation will face? What ideas do you have for dealing with it?

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In your opinion what is the greatest challenge your generation will face? What ideas do you have for dealing with it?

Category: Definition Essay

Subcategory: Ethics

Level: Academic

Pages: 1

Words: 550

The greatest challenge that my generation will face.
Over the past decade or two, technological advancement in the world has taken a very drastic leap. In many aspects this is positive in the sense that it helps to solve many problems that humanity faces each day. But like many other things that are in existence, technological advancement also has its downsides.
The radical rate of change of technological inventions itself is one of its mishaps. One may purchase a new type of gadget or tool, especially electronic, for personal, business or industrial use and in a few months or years will be forced to purchase new types since the initial one will have been outdated. One is therefore forced to spend a lot of money from time to time in keeping up with the technological trends.
The emergence of online social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Instagram among many others, has created a false sense of belonging especially among the youth. Yes, it’s simpler when they are used as tools for marketing or meeting new people but they have created a new problem in the society especially in an ethical perspective. Vices such as cyber bullying have emerged where malicious persons get to harass, insult and abuse others online. Things such as pornography and drug abuse also get to be exposed even to underage kids who may be on the net.
Online money transfer and payment methods such as Paypal, MasterCard and Visa have been exploited by malicious people who use technology to ro…

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