Health Policy News

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Health Policy News

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Health

Level: Masters

Pages: 1

Words: 550

HealthCare Policy News
Institutional Affiliation

“Calif. Bill Targets Profiteering In Addiction Treatment, Dialysis Industries” by Chad Terhune
The Key players in the policy discussed in the article include various health providers and insurance agencies. It specifically involves providers catering to addiction cases that require dialysis and private insurance companies such as Blue Shield California. The challenge that the policy aims to address if registration to insurance plans aimed at making profits. After the application of the ACA policy, insurance providers were barred from refusing to enroll patients with pre-existing conditions. Third parties have taken this opportunity to volunteers to pay for premiums for patients with addiction problems. These institutions fake information about the patient’s and use it to request exorbitant payouts from private insurance companies. This is despite the fact that the patients would qualify for Medicaid and Medicare payment plans. These problems have been recurring since 2014 when ACA became operational. Since then, Blue shield alone has paid out premiums worth 64 million dollars o third-party premium payers in California (Terhune, 2018).
The policy affects the supplier of the health policy through excessive payments imposed on the regular premium payers. The role of the legislators is to ensure their constituents are changed fairly. Some of the funds used for these false claims are federal resources and t…

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