Theresa Woghiren Barriers that affect critical thinking

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Theresa Woghiren Barriers that affect critical thinking

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Journalism

Level: Academic

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Barriers that Influence Critical Thinking.
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In this paper, I will address one internal and one external barrier that influences my critical thinking and describe how I can overcome each using chapter 3 and 4 of the book, ‘Changing Thinking in Everyday Life,’ by Robert W. Ridel.
The first barrier that affects my critical thinking is stubbornness. From the day I could comprehend things, I was bred in a staunch Christian family. Consequently, I ended up developing a particular set of opinions and beliefs about some matters. Moreover, I am naturally a very stubborn and strong willed person. These two things blended makes it very hard for someone to convince me in particular matters especially religious ones. I often get into heated arguments with some of my friends when it comes to religious matters; no matter how much someone might come up with a relatively reasonable argument, I become stubborn and neglect that opinion because I had already formed a definite set belief on the matter. Clearly, the latter example is an internal barrier affecting my critical thinking. I will overcome come it by viewing circumstances from different perspectives (Ridel, 2015). I will work on modifying my ideas in light of better insight as my opinion or standpoint is not always the right one.
The second barrier to critical thinking that I had been enculturation. This factor plays a vital role in the decision-making process of an individual as it …

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