The Economic Impact of Alabama HB 56 in the US

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The Economic Impact of Alabama HB 56 in the US

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Human Resources

Level: College

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

The Economic Impact of Alabama HB 56 in the U.S.
[Student’s Full Name]
Before starting to assess the effects of the HB 56 Law, we shall expand on the event’s background to provide a rationale for the event. As well as showing the reasons behind Alabama’s lawmakers on conceiving the law.
In June 2011, Alabama passed the Beason-Hammon Alabama Taxpayer and Citizen Protection Act, dubbed HB 56. The law required schools to check the immigration state of its students; banning undocumented students from any form of postsecondary education. The Act, takes its form from the recent Arizona immigration law, dubbed SB 1070. However, while Arizona’s law can be considered racist, as it racially profiles individuals and convict them, based only on the fact they look “foreign”; HB 56 criminalizes immigration itself.
Benson-Hammon Act instructs police officers to demand a proof of identification, or immigration status for any individual that might be considered residing illegally in the Alabama state. That way, anyone suspected of illegal residence could be subject to a routine search and stripped from its social benefits (Baxter, 2012). Nevertheless, although the measure can be perceived as draconian, it stems from the fact that many American residents in the Alabama state consider that immigrants are taking the jobs they could be doing. In our essay, we shall show how that fear is inconsistent, and the law was passed more as a way to deter pot…

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