Target Value Design and Lean Structure in Construction

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Target Value Design and Lean Structure in Construction

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Civil Engineering

Level: College

Pages: 10

Words: 2750

Target Value Design in Construction and Lean Working Structure
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Target Value Design in Construction
Target value design enables constructors to come up with a design that meets customer values and delivers the expectations of a project (Ballard, 2008). In short, target value design involves setting the cost and ensuring that the project design is in line with the cost. It is an old idea, but it was not until recently that people in construction started considering it as a fundamental aspect of project management. Target value design originated from the 1930s when manufacturers used it as a method to reduce their production costs so that their final products would correspond with market prices. It blends well with integrated project performance and lean construction practices (Snyde, 2015).
One of the common problems that contractors come across is the project design surpassing the owner’s available budget. Usually, it is difficult to convince them to spend more, and the most reasonable option is to ask them to design down to the available cost (Parsons, 2012). However, some engineering decisions are not easy to make. It is hard coming up with a successful project that pleases all stakeholders. Lean construction and integrated projected delivery have attempted to reduce budget-driven differences. However, there still are gaps that exist between what owners want and what they can afford.
Target value design aim…

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