students campus life.

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students campus life.

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Anthropology

Level: College

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Campus life
Getting to campus means making a big transition in life, moving from high school to college life. There are lots of issues that spring up when it comes to handling and living campus life. This entails moving from a comfort zone to a strange environment where everyone seems strange. It is a life where a freshman has to juggle new friends, new roommates among other new things including peers. While the main reason for each student joining a given college is education, the life of a college student has more than meets the eye.
Campus life can both be a blast and a nightmare. Problems are bound to occur. In case they happen, it is important to get ready for the worst, and everyone has to face the problems as they occur. In case it appears to be a blast, there are common issues that abound and which must be addressed. There are common anxieties that thrill students when it comes to the choice of making new friends. If there are things that students get most anxious about, then it is the choice of their roommates. The thought of whom he or she will be like is a question that perturbs most of these college students (Schneider et al. 30-35).
In college, there is going to be a lot to be done, that is, between classes, social scene, clubs and leisure, the schedule is certainly going to be full. The best thing is that not all the schedules are met once a student sets foot in a college setup. Irrespective of one’s school’s policy o…

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