Social Structure and Social Interaction

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Social Structure and Social Interaction

Category: Reflective Essay

Subcategory: Linguistics

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Assignment 2 Social Structure and Social Interaction
(Student name)
Professor Fearn
Introduction to Sociology

left3771901. Brother: Ascribed status
2. Employee: Achieved status
3. Friend: Achieved status
4. Student: Master status
5. Son: Ascribed status
001. Brother: Ascribed status
2. Employee: Achieved status
3. Friend: Achieved status
4. Student: Master status
5. Son: Ascribed status
Status Set
left300990Being a student is my master status. The role associated with being a student includes the practice of applying new skills sets and learning. The role assists me to improve my future and attain the set goals. Besides, the skills help grow personality both mentally and financially. As a student I am able to interact with new people and also assist me to become all-rounded. Interaction with new people helps to learn new life stories and lessons because of the diversity among new friends. I consider the role of a student is not learned because it is an ascribed status. No one can make the decision of being a student at a tender age but one is able to learn something at some point.
00Being a student is my master status. The role associated with being a student includes the practice of applying new skills sets and learning. The role assists me to improve my future and attain the set goals. Besides, the skills help grow personality both mentally and financially. As a student I am able to interact with new people and also assist me to…

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