Reflection essay revised

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Reflection essay revised

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Geography

Level: High School

Pages: 2

Words: 550

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Reflection Essay
The six countries that I compared using the UN Human Development indicators were: China, Indonesia, Vietnam, Mexico, India and Bangladesh. I was surprised by various facts: a majority of the items in my closets/bedroom/kitchen were not locally made but imported; all these countries, except Mexico, are found in Asia, and none of these countries fell in the very high human development category according to the UN Human Development indicators. The highest ranking was Mexico at position 80 in the category of high human development. China followed at position 100 in the same category. This was also surprising because I expected China to be in the very high human development category. The rest of the countries were in the medium human development category in the following order: Indonesia, Viet Nam, India and Bangladesh.
All the six countries still rely heavily on fossil fuels as a source of energy despite the ongoing campaigns for alternative environmental friendly sources. Fossil fuels make up 90% of energy sources in Mexico; 88% in China; 66% in Indonesia; 71% in Viet Nam; 72.3% in India, and 71.5% in Bangladesh. Indonesia had the highest percentage of renewable sources of energy at 33.6% while Mexico had the lowest at 9.9%. The electrification rate in China was highest at 99.7% that was not unexpected; however, it was surprising to learn that the rate of electrification in Bangladesh was quite low at 46.5%….

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