Pattern of Atmospheric Circulation and Heating

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Pattern of Atmospheric Circulation and Heating

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Ecology

Level: College

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Pattern of Atmospheric Circulation and Heating
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The global phenomenon of the atmospheric pattern of atmospheric circulation and heating can be superlatively analyzed as the flow of air on the earth surface because of the unequal heating that takes place on the earth surface and the changing forms of precipitation. It should be evident that the phenomenon of global circulation of atmospheric air turns the cold air mass in the high latitude areas towards the low latitude regions. Additionally, the phenomenon also shifts the warm air that emanates from the low latitude areas towards the direction of high latitude areas. As depicted by Spooner (2012) this factor arises since the rise of air above the earth surface causes it to move or shift further from the top layer of the troposphere and hence moves towards the pole regions.
Due to that movement towards the poles or polar regions, the air is forced to come together at approximately 30 degrees latitudes north and south. The paper focuses on the empirical description of ecology regarding its atmospheric heating and circulation. Factors that determines the high precipitation in the tropics, as well as the high precipitation at the temperate latitude, will be analyzed. Finally, the essay will focus on the low precipitation that is witnessed in the tropics and high rainfall in the savanna biomes and tropical dry forest.
Notably, mechanisms that result in high precipitation along the tropics are…

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