Management Admission #2

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Management Admission #2

Category: Admission Essay

Subcategory: Management

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

I would like to apply for admission to the University as a management student. It is my sincere wish that I will be considered in my wishes to take up a management course at your university. I am a curious student who is more interested in learning about management so that I may be able to change the perspective of the society regarding management issues. To me, management is not a bad idea like the society has always perceived it to be, it is something that I do have an immense passion for and a drive to making the world a better place for all humans. I believe that through management we can be able to achieve anything as a country. I am of the opinion that management is a way of life that is upcoming, and I would not wish that I am left behind without having the top knowledge of this upcoming issue that is growing in the society as such. To me, nothing would be most pleasing that having to have had the opportunity to learn management keeping in mind that I am an eager student whose sole purpose is to get the chance to be able to change the society and make it a better place as well. Management is what runs the society, and I love knowing how the society is run; therefore, it will be most important to me to have such an opportunity to be able to change my perception and even the perception of the society too. I love helping people, and I believe that if I get to learn this course I will be in a better position to be helping more and more people from time to time too….

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