List an instance you had a conflict with someone and discuss how you dealt with it

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List an instance you had a conflict with someone and discuss how you dealt with it

Category: Lab Report

Subcategory: Computer Science

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

List an Instance You Had a Conflict with Someone and Discuss How You Dealt With It
Student’s Name
Institution of Affiliation
List an Instance You Had a Conflict with Someone and Discuss How You Dealt With It
Back in high school, we had a session where we practiced peer mediation during class. I am good at understanding a person’s perspective of a situation. We were tasked with performing conflict mediation between our fellow students and determine what the issue was. Some of the conflicts were difficult to handle and needed in-depth knowledge of different mediation styles to resolve (Garaigordobil & Martinez, 2015)
Two students getting into a fight was easy to deal with but there is one instance when their parents were involved. One student comes from a home where there is a single parent, while another one has both parents under the same roof. The single mother started a relationship with the father of the second student. The two learners got into an altercation in school because of the relationship. The first student believed that the single mother was out to ruin their home. I decide to bring the two into peer mediation.
In this type of mediation, I allowed each party to explain to the other person that they are going to work towards resolving the issue at hand. The two explained to each other why they were agitated. When I first heard of this method, I was not sure that it works. But after each student repeating what the other said, without interruption a…

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