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Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Criminal law

Level: College

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Criminal Law
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Criminal Law
In this case, the subject-suspect status is that the two of them had been together, and they had even agreed to have sex. It is, therefore, difficult to identify which one of them was wrong since there is no evidence that the suspect acted against the wishes of the subject. The fact that the subject refuses to go to the hospital also raises alarm since all she wants is for the suspect to be arrested. The questioning applies to civil court cases. That is because the case involves a private dispute between two people (Gudjonsson, 2003). I believe that I have the discretion to decide whether the suspect is to be arrested or not. However, I cannot arrest the suspect without enough evidence that the suspect committed the crime. In order to decide on what to do, I have to listen to both sides of the story. That is because it is very difficult to determine which of the two is on the right side. Since both of them have had prior criminal offenses, I will have to carry out thorough investigations before deciding whether the suspect is to be arrested or not. I will also ensure that the lady goes to the hospital since that helps in showing whether she was forced to sex or not.
Video typing interrogations has various advantages and disadvantages as well. One of the advantages is that it ensures that the suspects are not harassed by the interrogators. That is because, in the past, the force was used during interr…

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