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Category: Essay

Subcategory: Nursing

Level: College

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Student’s Name
Some terms are crucial to understanding health informatics and health IT in general. One of these is information management which may be defined as the collection, generation, validation, organization, integration, and analysis of data and the subsequent transmission, dissemination, utilization, presentation, and communication of the information (Giannangelo, 2012). A document or content management system would be one of the modes of information management. Information system, on the other hand, may be defined as an automated system that utilizes computer software and hardware to store, record, recover, manipulate as well as disseminate data (Giannangelo, 2012). With regards to health, information technology may involve the sharing, storage, and retrieval of healthcare data, information, and knowledge for decision making among other functions. Examples include financial and administrative systems that enable accounting, customer billing, among other functions.
Biomedical informatics, on the other hand, is the field that aims at pursuing the effective deployment of knowledge, information, data to problem-solving, scientific inquiry, and decision making to realize better health outcomes. Examples may include the use of computer-based techniques as well as computational approaches to solving complex clinical problems. It has four subfields which include bioinformatics, imaging informatics, clinical informatics, and public health…

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