In Praise of the ‘F’ Word

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In Praise of the ‘F’ Word

Category: Argumentative Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

In Praise of the F word
In the article, “in praise of the ‘F’ word,” Sherry, faults the teachers and the education system. Students are passed from one grade to the next along the educational system and rarely do students master the content. This is unfair to the students and the job market they are being prepared for. She points out how the style of teaching alone not being enough to effectively capture the attention of students and encourages the use of the failure threat to ensure students are drawn to schoolwork. The school system, using excuses such as inadequate resources and budgeting allows students who are under qualified to pass. Overworked and underpaid teachers lack the motivation to prepare students enough for the professional world. I think that the Today’s educators must be projected to provide educational experiences that uphold the development of the student and be accountable for guiding their scholars to skillfulness and understanding of the academic undertakings and cognitive content integrated into state principles.
I think Sherry refers to flunking as the ‘F’ word as a strategically used tactic. She deliberately misleads the reader by associating flunking to a bad thing, a profanity. I think that although she associates flunking to a profanity, she cites the importance of teachers and parents using the flunking threat as positive motivation. Giving an example of his son who did little for his intellectual developme…

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