how would animal farm have been different if snowball had remained and been in charge.

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how would animal farm have been different if snowball had remained and been in charge.

Category: Movie Review

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: High School

Pages: 2

Words: 550

How would animal farm been different if Snowball had remained and been in charge?
In the book Animal Farm, Snowball is the well-read, innovative pig. He is depicted as the opposite of Napoleon in character and he seems like the appropriate alternative to Napoleon’s rule. His voice of reason and love for desire for the good of all animals in the farm are his main strengths. He is, therefore, a favourite as he offers hope when the leaders that the citizens had trusted initially turn against them. He does not, however, get time to make his wishes for the farm animals a reality as he is driven out of the farm. As the book progresses to the end, a reader is left to ponder how exactly the animal farm would be different if Snowball had been in charge of the farm rather than Napoleon.
One of Snowball’s great ideas for the farm is the building of a windmill. He argues that the windmill would save on the labour on the farm. Napoleon, on the other hand feels that building it would require a lot of labour and therefore not enough would be left to produce food and eventually all animals would starve. The windmill represents Snowball’s love for technological advancements especially in infrastructure. It also shows how innovative Snowball was. Had snowball succeeded in his rebellion against Napoleon, we would expect more technology and innovation in the farm.
Napoleon is also very keen on the making all animals in the farm literate. Once the th…

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