How the use of cell phones changes the English for High School and College student

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How the use of cell phones changes the English for High School and College student

Category: Statistics Project

Subcategory: Life

Level: College

Pages: 8

Words: 2200

How the use of cell phones changes the English for High School and College student

Mobile phones have been attributed to the poor performance among most students at school. The growing technology has enabled young boys and girls to acquire advanced mobile phones that can contain all their necessities. With these phones, students have been able to interact through chats via text messages and other messaging platforms like Whatsapp and Kik. Through this art of chatting, they have developed some form of writing their messages that they can understand. Different groups have different forms of writing certain words and only people in that particular group can understand these words. Moreover, shortening of words has been the most common trend that has been adopted by most of the young people. This mode of chatting has influenced the way students write and speak English. Some students go to the extent of using the short words such as “LOL” in exams. Critics, however, have repeatedly argues that the excessive use of cell phones is harming students’ abilities to communicate properly.
Change in vocabulary and sentence structure
Relevant studies such as Baron (2004), is one of the few empirical studies that was conducted regarding Instant Messaging at the time of writing. Baron’s research is fully based on a corpus that was collected from the American college students. Her remarkable discovery was that Instant Messaging was more conservative than it is portrayed by the press (Ba…

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