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Category: Essay

Subcategory: Nursing

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

How nurses can positively impact healthy people 2020 goals

The Impacts that Nurses can have on healthy people 2020 goals
Healthy people 2020 goals are goals that are set of health objectives that the United States is aiming to achieve in the second decade of the new century after the 2010 objectives. Even though the 2010 objectives is still a working progress, it was deemed necessary to have new objectives running into the second decade of the new century. Discussed below are the impacts that the nurses can have.
Participate more in the improvement of healthy development and well-being of the adolescents. Adolescents form a significant percentage of the American population and they are the future of any country. Nurses should also work hand in hand with other medical practitioners to help to prevent illness and disability related to blood disorders. This can be helped by identifying and early treatment. Nurses can also improve health through the use of approved genomic tools. This is particularly true for families with hereditary health problems. Nurses can participate in the advisory and detection of such families health records and thus can help them track these disorders. (‘Healthy People 2020’).
They can help through the detection of an outbreak of a disease in other parts of the world thus this can also go a long way in the preventing eradicating such diseases before they blow out of proportion and preventing them from reaching in the U.S…

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