Famous Creative Thinkers Presentation

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Famous Creative Thinkers Presentation

Category: Admission Essay

Subcategory: Business

Level: Academic

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Famous Creative Thinkers Presentation
James Hal Cone was born on August 5, 1938 in Fordyce, Arkansas. He attended local schools within and neighborhood of Arkansas, then received a Bachelor of Arts degree from philander smith college in 1958. He then opened his theology scoop by attending Garrett Theological Seminary, where he received a B.D, degree in Wisconsin in 1961. He proceeded to Northwestern University, where he earned an M. A. and Ph.D. degrees in 1963 and 1965 respectively. He served in different capacities after college education; he taught religion in a number of colleges beginning at Philander Smith College, Adrian College and at Union Theological Seminary in York City in 1970 where he was awarded the distinguished Charles A. Briggs, Chair in Theology. He lectured through the world and was a visiting professor at several universities and colleges. Cone’s study and contributions in theology earned him the American Achievement Award in Religion category in 1992.
The period around 1960s was a great period of racial and social turmoil in the United States and other democracies. The civil rights movement and passive resistance in early and mid-1960s led by then Reverend Martin Luther King Jnr, had gained momentum. “Black Power” was now the clarion call on this more radical segment and at this at time was the best time for black theologians like Cone to articulate a new revolution of theology that cou…

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