Exploring the Rise and Fall of Nokia in Mobile Phones

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Exploring the Rise and Fall of Nokia in Mobile Phones

Category: Case Study

Subcategory: Business

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Nokia Case Study
1. What was the major purpose or problem described in the article?
The principal purpose of the study was to explain the reasons for the decline of Nokia.
2. What were the hypotheses and research questions?
There were three hypotheses which include: viewing Nokia’s decline as a result of the destruction of creativity, failure to adapt to evolutions related to technology and business model changes, and the failure of the management to develop excellent execution, strategies, and organization (Burgelman 46).
The research questions were:
What are the causes of Nokia’s dramatic rise and fall?
What are the components of the conceptual framework?
What is the processor steps of Nokia’s fall?
3. What type of sample was used in the study/studies reported in this article?
The type of sample used in the study that was reported by this article was information gathered by Doz in his capacity as a consultant in Nokia for two decades.
4. What types of methods were used in the study/studies reported in this article? (For example, questionnaires, observations, interviews, experimental manipulations, etc.)
The method used to collect data for the study was the primary data collection method. The main method used is interviews where Doz and Wilson were able to interview people who were in top managerial positions at Nokia. Doz was also resourceful through his experience as a Nokia consultant (Burgelman 46…

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