Environmental Pollution issues caused by foreign direct investment

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Environmental Pollution issues caused by foreign direct investment

Category: Dissertation

Subcategory: International

Level: Academic

Pages: 17

Words: 4675

Environment Pollution Issues Caused by Foreign Direct Investment
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Table of Contents
TOC o “1-3” h z u Abstract PAGEREF _Toc418481457 h 3Environment Pollution issues caused by foreign direct investment PAGEREF _Toc418481458 h 4Introduction PAGEREF _Toc418481459 h 4Case Study one: China PAGEREF _Toc418481460 h 8FDI patterns in China PAGEREF _Toc418481461 h 10China’s Regulatory Framework for Foreign Direct Investments PAGEREF _Toc418481462 h 11FDI policies and their recent developments PAGEREF _Toc418481463 h 13Environmental management system PAGEREF _Toc418481464 h 15Case study two: Unilever Company PAGEREF _Toc418481465 h 21Case study three: Africa PAGEREF _Toc418481466 h 33FDIs and the environmental impact in Africa PAGEREF _Toc418481467 h 33Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc418481468 h 36
AbstractWith global warming and global environment conservation efforts having hit a higher gear in the recent past, the role of foreign direct investments in developing countries has been brought to the limelight. Foreign direct investments (FDIs) have been accused of major pollution activities in developing countries. Environmentalists have identified that foreign direct investments shift their production to the developing countries due to lenient environmental protection laws and regulations (Liang, 2008). The term ‘pollution havens’ has coined as a consequence of this trend. While environmentalists continue to accuse FDIS of increased pollu…

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