English Coursework

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English Coursework

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Research Paper
The two interviews as conducted and presented in my view are geared towards providing raw information over the cases presented. The interviews are acting as avenues for gathering information so that the research paper in question takes into the use of the collected data for project completion. The interviews as methods of collecting data are a means of gathering the most relevant, reliable as well as precise data for further analysis and final synthesis in the process of drafting the research paper (Borràs and Eulàlia p 490). The research paper would for all reasons capture information bearing the background information of the interviews or if anything presents something closer to the field data. It should be realized that interviews provide data openly and for the sake of putting the information to some degree of confidence interval, interviews are not good at providing confidential information .
The interviews can only be integrated into the final paper once everything about the interview is interpreted and more specifically deciphered in the right way for use in writing the paper. The process would entail an understanding of what the interviews are about and more importantly the direction taken by the research paper. Take the case where the research paper takes a direction different from what the interviews are about, then it no doubt would the interviews be relevant for use in the process of drafting the …

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