electronic health Care

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electronic health Care

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Health

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Electronic health records
Electronic health records provide information to all physicians which is complete, and accurate. When health records are electronic, it is easy to diagnose disease and share information with other medical personnel, and thus, medical error is reduced, and patient outcome is improved. Also, electronic health records in a medical centre simplify the process of clinical data access, hence maintaining a steady and effective flow of clinical works. Besides, patient safety is observed as well as combined effort in making clinical related decisions regarding a client.
In the case of Becky, electronic health records could ensure that every physician involved in her treatment through interlinking the computers in the hospitals. Having a local area network that connects all the hospitals machines will ensure that any updates about a patient reaches all the relevant department (HMT Mag). Therefore, electronic health record is a platform which accords all doctor dealing with a similar case such as Becky’s to post or report and current information about the client.
Electronic health records require that the clinical officer collects all relevant information and diagnoses about a patient in such a way that it will be useful to other experts (HMT Mag). The electronic records enable the availability and provision of accurate, current and complete health information of a patient at any point of medication. They also le…

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