Create an analytical question and answer in regards to the article

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Create an analytical question and answer in regards to the article

Category: Assignment

Subcategory: Logistics

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 415

How do Differences in Foreclosure on Neighborhood Reflect on Wealth Distribution?
Institutional Affiliation

How do Differences in Foreclosure on Neighborhood Reflect on Wealth Distribution?
From the article by Kaplan and Sommers (2009), the situation of foreclosure in Summit County is a reflection of inequity in wealth distribution in the County. In this context, the case extends from affecting people to having notable differences on the problem of foreclosure for people in the same neighborhood (Kaplan & Sommers, 2009). Indeed, the dissimilarities arise from the racial and social composition. Foreclosure affects people who are unable to meet their financial needs with regards to the payment of houses and other regional dynamics. Now, if the fiscal constraint is the pillar to the persistence of the problem, it is worth to identify how the racial and social aspects relate to economic disparities on the affected population. Therefore, from reading Kaplan and Sommers (2009) research paper, one can answer the question “how do differences in foreclosure on neighborhood reflect on wealth distribution,” accordingly. In this essay, differences in foreclosure on neighborhood reflect on wealth distributions in terms of employment, access to employment as well as assistance from financial institutions.
Employment is a major determinant for the access to financial resources for most people. If unemployment rates are high, it would be absolute that the cases of fore…

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