college residence hall and/or dormitory fires

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college residence hall and/or dormitory fires

Category: Annotated Bibliography

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

College Residence Hall and/or Dormitory Fires
BI, Shao-Ying, Zhi-gang WANG, and Yin-Hua ZHANG. “Analysis of Fire Safety Assessment Method.” Fire Science and Technology 1 (2002): 15-17.
In this article, the writers report on the research done on college fires. According to this statistics, college fires have reached a level that should not be condoned anymore. Everyone should come up to participate in its control.
Burrows, Neil D. “Experimental development of a fire management model for Jarrah (Eucalyptus Marginata Donn ex Sm.) forest.” (2013).
In this article, the authors present research conducted on fire safety. According to the findings, fire is a disastrous tragedy that should be properly controlled. To effectively do this, there should be a regular assessment of preparedness and control strategies.
Carpenter, Daniel J. College Dormitory Fires in Dover, Delaware, and Farmville, Virginia. US Fire Administration, 1988.
Here, a comprehensive study of dormitory fires in Dover, Delaware and Farmville is done. The author exclaims that college fire should be controlled because it is becoming rampant in different institutions.
Gao, Jin-tian, and Jie, Xu. “The current status and strategy of fire control work socialization.” Fire Science and Technology 3 (2011): 029.
The article provides a report on the research conducted by Gao and Xu on the extent of fire control strategies in the society. According to their research, a lot still need to…

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