Based on the examples and information in Bruce Watson’s Freedom Summer, what changes took place in the United States as a result of the Freedom Summer of 1964?

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Based on the examples and information in Bruce Watson’s Freedom Summer, what changes took place in the United States as a result of the Freedom Summer of 1964?

Category: Essay Outline

Subcategory: History

Level: College

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Based on the examples and information in Bruce Watson’s Freedom Summer, what changes took place in the United States as a result of the Freedom Summer of 1964?
Freedom summer was a unique venture both for its bravery and violence. It was launched in the US in 1964, with the aim of aim registering African-American voters in Mississippi. This was done after Africans were denied to vote in the region. This led to the establishment of freedom houses, schools, and community centers from small towns to aid the population towards voting. The campaign was organized by COFO, which was a coalition of the four major rights organizations.
Freedom summer became a reality after earlier works by other African-Americans who stayed in Mississippi. Earlier on in the year 1963, SNCC had planned a mock titled Freedom Vote, which was to ensure the desire of most blacks from Mississippi to vote. The procedure of voting required all the black people to fill a well-written questionnaire with 21 questions, and that was to be checked by the registrar who was white. The volunteers set up polling stations in businesses places and churches across the region. After the process of registration, all the voters were required to make choices of the candidates they desired in the coming year’s election. The volunteers worked together with other civil rights workers together with students to ensure the success of the mock election where thousands of blacks voted.

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