analyze Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail and any other contemporary story Ex( Hangover, In To The Wild)

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analyze Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail and any other contemporary story Ex( Hangover, In To The Wild)

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: High School

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

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Wild: A Journey from Lost to Found
Wild is a very entertaining book by Cheryl Strayed. The original publication on March 20, 2012, explains Cheryl’s two months hike on the Pacific Crest Trail. Inspired by events in her life beginning with the short illness and the death of her mother in 1991, Cheryl decided to take a hike. This death led to the beginning of the downfall of her life as explained in the blazingly Honest Memoir.
After the death of her mother, her stepfather distanced himself from Cheryl and her siblings. Her sister and brother also remained distant from Cheryl. These events together with Cheryl’s divorce from her husband led her involvement with Joe, who introduced Cheryl to heroin. After the divorce and the heroin use, Cheryl found herself facing the worst time of her life. In the book, she explains how she discovered that she was pregnant for Joe but had to procure an abortion since she had only met Joe shortly after her separation with her husband, Paul.
After her divorce, Cheryl realizes that she had lost everything and that it was time for her to start afresh. She decides to take on the rough terrains of the PCT (Pacific Crest Trail) on her own to try to gather her thoughts.
The goals of the book are clear and simple. Cheryl’s book explains how her life fell apart and why it fell apart in the first place. She also explains how she tries to get it back in line with the hike to the PCT…

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