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Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Statistics

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Assessment of ADHD Symptoms

The research aims at evaluating the factor structure of teacher ratings of a symptom of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Additionally, the study seeks to establish the distribution of teaching rating data for the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms ADHD for students of both genders. This paper employs longitudinal investigation to investigate the different levels of ADHD for the sample population. The data from the investigation is then tabulated and analyzed to determine the different factors of ADHD.
Key words: Symptom, ADHD, Genders

Behavioral problems are a common experience in the learning environment. In the diagnosis of disruptive behavior disorders, the clinicians develop evaluations with proper assessments of symptoms based on the various factors such as age and gender of the student (Elkins, Malone, Keyes, Iacono, & McGue, 2011). The aim of the study is also to evaluate the distribution of ADHD symptoms and the level of impairment and hence determine the normative levels.
The sample population applied for the study includes the adolescent populations. The techniques include in the study of the findings includes measurement of the symptoms with adolescents, measuring impairments with adolescents and establishment of the differences by gender, race, and grade (Evans et al., 2013). The method of data collection for the study was a longitudinal inve…

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