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Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Psychology

Level: College

Pages: 8

Words: 2200

Predicting Patient Outcomes in Psychotherapy
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Prediction of patient outcomes in psychotherapy has been a focus of considerable interests, particularly for the mental disorders. Some concerns have been raised under the banner of therapists’ factors or variables that affect the outcomes of psychotherapy. Alternatively, answers may be sought on individual therapists having better results with a known demographic outlay of patient or with certain common disorders. Furthermore, researches have been conducted and analyzed done on the particular variable and factors that contribute to fit any of the three specifics alternatives mentioned herein (Horvath et at., 2011).
However, it is important that these characteristics contribute to any of the fit, and they include demographic characteristics, training characteristics, belief systems and finally, personality characteristics. Examples of demographic characteristics that come into play include gender, age, religion, race and amongst others while training features that come into play include degree, the number of years of experience, training and among others while belief is majorly centered on orientation.
Most of the literature that examine the relationship between patient’s age and treatment outcome have been founded on naturalistic and uncontrolled studies, and these tend to report that the age of the patient with respect to the treatment outcome and mod…

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