Tucker A Man and his Dream

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Tucker A Man and his Dream

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Mechanical Engineering

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Tucker: The Man and His Dream
I have watched Tucker, the man and his dream which involves an ambitious innovator, Preston Tucker, deprived of his dream to make future automobile vehicles. Tucker had been making money by designing military guns and armored vehicle during the world war. At the end of the war, he hires Alex Tremulis to help him design a “Tucker Torpedo” which would be a vehicle with safety designs. However, things take a turn when he partners himself with Abe Karatz to raise finance through stock. Later they acquired Dodge Chicago plant to start their manufacture. Their initial opening of the corporation attracted many shareholders and the public with enthusiasm. As the manufacturing begins, Tucker is tasked to advertise his model by the board of directors. When was away, Tucker’s safety design is eliminated by the main shareholders of the corporation. Faced with design challenges in his corporation, he designs another engine which proves to work according to his need. However, he is faced with stock fraud allegations. Despite winning the case he dies without accomplishing his dream (Tucker: The man and his dream, Directed by Coppola).
The legal theory that is visible in this movie is stock fraud, the theory is found in Chapter five of the book. The main character in the movie is faced with stock fraud for designing another engine despite being in a corporation. Whatever he was advertising to the public…

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