The Power of Play

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The Power of Play

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Environment

Level: High School

Pages: 3

Words: 825

The Power of Play
Student’s Name
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The Power of Play
What changes have you observed in children that may be attributable to decreased time for play? What differences from your childhood play experiences exist? How are these changes manifested in different environments for children (e.g., home, school, neighborhood, etc.)?
During my childhood, no kid did suffer from obesity. Within the current world, the number of obesity and overweight children is rising at a warning rate. The condition is definitely due to the advancement in technology, bringing more sedentary behavior. So, instead of getting outdoors to use their creativity and play, children in today’s society who are obese may find it not easy to play actively, so they prefer to remain still. The situation is much different from when I was growing up from the fact that we were forced to go outside and play until dark. Children today are, lonely and spend indoors in front of media. When I look at how I played as a child, I am blown away by the amount of life lessons I learned. Through play, I learned that it’s ok to feel a variety of emotions and display them. I learned when it’s appropriate to be angry and when it’s ok to cry. These valuable lessons have carried over into adulthood, just more fine-tuned as I have grown.
How have societal changes affected “historical” toy choices, including character toys, skill toys and educational toys? Have these changes, in general, been…

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