The Merchant of Venice (Give the paper clear, effective title)

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The Merchant of Venice (Give the paper clear, effective title)

Category: Definition Essay

Subcategory: Leadership

Level: High School

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Analysis of the Merchant of Venice
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Analysis of the Merchant of Venice
The playwright of the book, William Shakespeare, made a woman character who has a massive impact on the composition. This is contrary to most of his writings where women have little or no authority and are portrayed as not being very clever. The play incorporates a number of female characters. Portia, for instance, is a female that saves the life of a man using her brains. Beatrice is another character, and she is like Portia in almost all aspects and attributes. These two characters contribute to the central focus of the play because of their IQs and smart comments as well as being considerate.
Portia stands out as one of Shakespeare’s greatest characters. This is mainly favored by her great looks, intelligence, and ethical significance, which performs a significant role in her personality. Portia is described as a woman of amazing qualities, and this made her famous throughout the world. Her wits offer her the capacity to handle any difficult or demanding situation. As it has already been mentioned, Shakespeare’s plays portray women as being less than their men counterparts are. This theme of gender inequality is mainly seen where Portia says, ‘I see sir, you are generous in opportunities. You trained me first to plead…’
Portia is treated as an angel who has no blemishes and seen in the play when Bassanio designates her to Antonio saying, ‘In …

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