Texas Constitution

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Texas Constitution

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Time Management

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Professor’s Name
Texas Constitution
The three branches of government of the United States government are replicated in the Texas constitution and bestow powers that allow each one of them to check each other’s powers through check and balances. However, the Texas governance structure has received a lot of criticism labeling it a sophisticated organization with a design doomed to fail if no changes are made as soon as possible. In this context, the paper proposes changes in the executive, legislative and judiciary arms in the Texas governance.
The current executive arm of the Texas government compromises the relationship that exists between it and other arms especially the legislative arm. According to Jones et al. (67), the Texas executive arm has powers described under the line-item veto that provide the chief executive powers to veto bills that have been approved and passed by the legislature. I will have this part amended by removing such powers from the executive arm. This is because that the Texas line-item veto has unconstitutional under the Federal law as its practicability violates the distinctions of powers between the legislative and the executive arm of the Texas government.
On the other hand, a change that I would make in the legislative arm of the Texas government would be to remove the restriction placed on the ability of the Texas legislators to write into law tax and spending policies such as business and personal in…

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