Professional Reading Bibliography

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Professional Reading Bibliography

Category: Descriptive Essay

Subcategory: Art

Level: High School

Pages: 3

Words: 825

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Topic: Professional Reading Bibliography
Children play is a very vital and important part of a child’s growth in every aspect. It helps open up their minds, give them new ideas and relieve them from the normal stressful day-to-day activities. They become creative and exploratory, create rules that govern how they play, act out in their different forms of play. It is a great form of entertainment for children. If education was incorporated into plays, learning would be very easy for children. By creating plays that are entertaining to the children, they tend to remember that which they are being taught easily.
‘Play is deemed beneficial for all children’ (Isenberg & Quisemberry, 1988; Johnson, Christie & Yawkey, 1987; Piaget, 1962; Vygotsky, 1976; Wassermann, 1992). Even though most kindergarten and pre-kindergarten teachers do use play in their curriculum, the other stages of learning do not see play as essential. But in reality, play is very vital in children learning. Plays help children of all ages acquire social skills like resolving conflicts, negotiating, sharing and living peacefully with each other. It also helps them grow physically, mentally and even socially. Play even makes what seems hard to understand easy to remember. The mind set of being risk takers and the lack of fear of failure helps children become innovators.
Scott Kretchmar claimed that ‘…

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