Letter of request of Permit

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Letter of request of Permit

Category: Lab Report

Subcategory: Medicine

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Student’s Name:
Instructor’s Name:
Class Name:
Date when Due:
To whom it may concern,
I am writing this letter asking to be given one last chance to take the board exam. I am a student in the medical school, but I was not able to take the board exam. At the time when I was supposed to take the exam, there were certain issues at home, and they were a hindrance to my concentration. At that time, my brother got diagnosed with cancer. That was a trying time for me and my family, and I had to give all my attention to my brother. It was also very difficult for me to concentrate thus I believed that I could not take the exam since I was also mentally disturbed thus at that time I could not handle the exam.
However, my brother is now undertaking medication, and his health is now improving and I believe that he is in a better state. Therefore, I have had time to study, and my concentration is far much better at the moment. I have managed to devote most of my time in studying. Thus, I believe that I am now ready to take the exam since nothing is hindering me now. I, therefore, believe that I will perform well in the exam if given a chance to undertake it. Therefore, I am requesting to be given another chance to undertake the exam since the exam means a lot to my education, and I believe that missing the exam will pull me behind. I am determined to take the exam and perform well, and I have also devoted much of my time to studying in order to ensure that I will pass. I hope …

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