journal 4

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journal 4

Category: Definition Essay

Subcategory: Visual Arts

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

The main and the only challenge facing liberalism globally is the traditional point of view on issues. The traditionalistic philosophy believes in civil liberties hence they stir to oppose things like the PATRIOT Act, they believe that having ethical compass can pilot people to anarchy. Shall it be fair and reasonable if we criticize the traditional perspective? Though considered as an antagonist to liberalism, traditional perspective just like liberalism should be treated with respect and dignity. The article below is to discuss the effects of this conservativeness and how it has hindered the ability of liberation to take full charge not only in Quebec or but in the world at large.
When the voices of people fell on deaf ears, paramilitary movements like the FLQ came forward to fight for the liberation but that was a long time ago (Hoover 83). Currently, the conventional -majorly the Quebecois, the Anglophones and the francophone in Quebec feel that “Niqab” is oppressor’s clothing and should not be worn during “citizenship ceremonies.” For a long time, the Liberals had declined their call but and it coasted them when the traditionalistic won this year’s elections. The traditionalists believe in confronting and defeating enemies before they can harm the citizens. Liberals on the other believe in using law enforcement measures to deal with enemies. Presently the global enemies are the terrorists. If we take traditional perspe…

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