Health Care System

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Health Care System

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Information Science

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Health Care System
Institute Affiliation
Health Care System
The United States is an established nation and is way ahead of most of the challenges a developing country may experience. Chronic illnesses are a severe threat in the United States compared to in the less developed nation like Kenya, and the main reason behind this is the lifestyle. Examples of the chronic disease include obesity, diabetes, stroke, and cancer. Most people who suffer from these ailments are not cautious about eating a healthy diet. Chronic diseases in Kenya are usually caused by the unhealthy surroundings and overcrowding
The United States has long-term care health policies that cater to the elderly population. Kenya, on the other hand, lacks these policies because a majority of its population constitutes of youths. Currently Kenya has a higher youth population which means a huge elderly population in years to come, therefore an increment in the prevalence of elderly consumers of long-term care.
In the United States, most of the elderly population can take care of themselves using their pension money, whereas in Kenya the elderly population often depends on the working people. The cost of acute medical care is covered by the federal program and Medicare in America; long-term care is only sorted for the poor (Lehning & Austin, 2010). As for Kenya, the government through the ministry of healthy and NHIF only meets a small percentage of healthcare cost. In the United States, health care…

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