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Category: Capstone Project

Subcategory: Art

Level: College

Pages: 14

Words: 3850

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Fashion and Society: An Analysis of How Fashion Has Changed in Terms of Art, Culture, Identity, Expression and Technology
Fashion is a multi-faceted phenomenon. On the exterior, what appears to be thousands of designers tangles in a heap of fabric racing to create the next trend is actually more involved in our lives than we often care to think. When one looks at how fashion has evolved over the past ten, twenty, or even a hundred years, one will see that the seams of societal expression and convention are closely tied up with the mechanics of fashion. In fact, fashion can very well be considered a psychological state that alters itself to reflect the times it belongs to, or originates in. That is also where we obtain the terms “fashionable” and “unfashionable” from. The degree of comprehension of these terms is directly proportional to the extent one is accepted or ostracized. To be “fashionable” is to conform to the accepted method of expression, whereas to be “unfashionable” is to exhibit tendencies contrary to it.
Fashion may be viewed in the society from two points of view. Negatively, it can be defined through the terms ‘trend’ and fad’. It can be considered as easy entertainment for the rich, a hobby, or even a deviation from important, more pressing matters. On the positive side, it can be considered an extension of society, a medium through which it expresses itself. For a culture, fashion …

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