Evidence-Based Practice

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Evidence-Based Practice

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Nursing

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Evidence-Based Practice and Family Preferences
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Evidence-Based Practice and Family Preferences
Evidence-based practice is a combination of well- researched mediations, client’s desire, and culture with clinical skills and ethics to guide and inform the delivery of healthcare services and treatment.
Models of Evidence-Based Practice
The models of EBP that are currently employed in most of the healthcare institutions include:
Stages of change- It entails going through a series of stages; majorly it is used to analyze how ready one is to change. This model gives room for evidence consideration and uses throughout the process.
John Hopkins Nursing Evidence-based model is an ideal problem-solving approach to clinical decision making which is escorted by tools that can guide an individual or a group. The model uses a three-step procedure: practice question, evidence, translation.
Parents as teachers- this is a model designed to meet the requirements of the consumer.
Evidence strength determines practice by the service provider/s, if, for example, in stages of change model a client/patient shows a progressive change towards the expected behavior or outcome, practice using the same is adapted to other patients who present with the same conditions. Misuse of antibiotics is a problem which can be solved through long chats on how they are to be used by the patients. Evidence-based practice, when incorporated with patient and…

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