Cyber Crime

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Cyber Crime

Category: Assignment

Subcategory: IT Technology

Level: College

Pages: 7

Words: 1925

Personal Research Narrative Essay- Cyber security
It was until that time I embarked on researching about cyber issues that I discovered how cyber security is an amazingly thrilling field. Factually speaking, I came to discover that it is a very diverse field that goes on to intersect with virtually every area of technology as well as behavioral sciences (Awan, 2011). I was particularly blown away with the fact that hackers today can send doses of fatal drugs to hospital drug pumps that can end people’s life. Cyber-attacks and crime are likely to increase over time, a consequence of the increasing and widespread availability of computers, smartphones ad many other high-tech mobile devices. The fact that these are easily accessible and available in the consumer markets, it becomes difficult to guarantee security of these gadgets.
The field of cyber security is increasingly growing due to increased reliance on computer systems by the society (Henry, 2012). The computer system has a wide range of smart devices. These devices not only include internet networks but also other wireless networks such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and Television. I shall testify to this, that there is an increased usage of these gadgets. This is most reasonably because they enhance user responsiveness to events, minimize travel costs and hustle not forgetting maintaining operator interface hardware at a lower cost. (Gori, 2009).
But I must say that these come with a bi…

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