Civil Rights Movements

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Civil Rights Movements

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: History

Level: College

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Civil Rights Movements: From 19th to 21st Century
[Student’s Full Name]
[Institution Name]
Throughout its history, civil rights have been a capital theme in the country’s history. From the arrival of the first slave ship to Jamestown in 1607; the annexation of Texas in 1845 and to the Chicano and African American civil rights movement in the 20th century, the country has passed through a handful of moments that defined and asserted its identity as a pluricultural nation.
In this essay, we shall trace the historical development of the civil rights movements from the 19th to 21st century, focusing on the Chicano and African American narratives.
Historical Development of the Civil Rights Movement
During the 19th century, African American religious movements and communities contributed significantly to the creation of an identity to the freed slaves. Communities revolved around churches and the religion supplied them with a newfound sense of morals, and political purpose (Battle, 2008). Strictly speaking, for many African Americans, religion offered solace and hope, as well as a series of rules that would help them carve their identity. That way, we can say that Christian denominations and churches proved vital in the creation of the civil rights movement.
To properly speak about the civil rights movement in the 20th century, we have to separate the Chicano movement from the African American civil rights movement. The first refers to the struggles of…

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