Abortion: pro-choice

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Abortion: pro-choice

Category: Definition Essay

Subcategory: Sociology

Level: College

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Abortion: Pro-choice
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Abortion: Pro-choice
The issue of whether to abort or not has been debated for years. Activists campaigning for or against abortion have hit the deadlines for years. While a majority of people are against the issue of abortion, abortion has been accepted globally for a number of circumstances. Abortion for medical reasons is a widely accepted reason for procuring an abortion (en la Atención Primaria & y Beneficios, 2009). However, most of the abortions procured globally do not have a medical basis, but are procured as a result of unintended pregnancies. The political scene has also been shaped by the pro-life or pro-choice issue with major political parties being split along these options. While it is logical to use medical and cultural arguments to base our reasons for arguing either for or against abortion, the woman remains the chief party in the abortion discussion and their needs should come first. This essay discusses the issue of abortion with the bias towards the pro-choice argument.
The issue of Abortion has been a matter of debate for decades and still continues to shape the modern political landscape. While some people support abortion and believe that the women should maintain the right to choose whether to perform an abortion or not, others think that abortion can only be performed on medical grounds. Personally, the abortion decision should be the affected woman’s decision. …

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