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Sociology Term paper

Surname Instructor Course Date Survey Questions Analysis Memo Q 1 Mobility Are you currently able to walk for more than 10 feet? In this question, the researcher intends to establish whether the interviewee can make it to ten feet walking. The data, in this case, will be a simple yes or no and will, therefore, be an interval. One can be able to walk anywhere between 1 – 10 feet, or more. The length will be able to show the level of mobility of the individual. The normal measures of the central interval will be the median, mode and mean. The mean will be used to establish the average distance that the interviewees are able to walk. In terms of the median, it will be a fairer...

Domestic Workers Movement

Student Name Course Professor Institution Domestic Workers Movement Domestic Workers, like any workers across the world, need protection from several potential adverse facing, facing them in their work environment. Over time, some of them, especially before their recognition by the international Labor Movement organization, had faced myriad challenges from their employers, which was an actual violation of their human rights. Such is quite demotivating and had a negative impact on their prosperity. Whereas some of them lost their lives through suicides and self-harm, others became demotivated, and could not realize the value of life (States 4). On the other hand, others, upon realizing the...

Social Issues: Suicide

ï»żName Instructor Course Date Social Issues: Suicide Suicide among teenagers continues to be high globally. Most people are not aware of its prevalence due to lack of reporting teenage suicide as a result of cultural barriers. It comes second cause of death among teenagers after road accidents in the whole world (World Health Organization 22). According to a survey conducted in 11 Europe countries, the chances that a person will commit suicide at teenage is 27.6% (Brunner et al. 37). Female teenagers are more prevalent to suicidal thoughts, but male teenagers are more likely to commit suicide because of their high susceptibility to lethal risk factors. Anxiety and transition pressures...

Family values

Family Values Name Institution Family Values Introduction People are expected to live happily and have a family after marriage. However, this is not the case as some people fail to cope with each other thus divorcing. Some of them remarry and, therefore, end up creating a blended family. Thesis statement The paper discusses the consequences of divorce, remarriage and blended families. It also discusses the product of divorce as well as the theories that apply to marriage and family. Consequences of divorce, remarriage, and blended families Couple Remarriage brings legal issues Divorce can cause a couple to be depressed Children Divorce has emotional...

Exploring the Community

Exploring the Community: Bensonhurst, Brooklyn Student’s Name Date Exploring the Community: Bensonhurst, Brooklyn Bensonhurst is a city located in Brooklyn, New York. It derives its name from Brooklyn Gas’ former president, Arthur W. Benson. He founded the community after buying farmlands in the neighborhood for his company (“City Living: Bensonhurst” n.p). Italians and Jews were the first inhabitants of Bensonhurst in the early 20th century. The neighborhood’s roots are Italian based on the numerous Italian-based businesses, shops, and eateries in the city. The structure of the town itself is Italian; therefore, it is commonly known as Brooklyn’s Little Italy. Currently,...

Scenario Analysis and Respons

Name Instructor Course Date Epidemiology Scenario Analysis and Response The most likely kind of food that is causing the illness is ready-to-eat-food related or found in restaurants and along the roads. Such include Fish and meat; their preparation is very critical in terms of their safety hence any step or procedure that jeopardizes the safe method of their preparation increases the risk of the illnesses. They are also prevalent to foodborne viruses such as salmonella, scombroid, and toxins among other foodborne viruses (McKenzie, Pinger & Kotecki 98). The likely causative agents are biological agents such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and yeast among others. These agents are responsible...


Instructor’s Name Student’s Name Course Code Date Effects of Social Media about Masculinity and Femininity Many factors influence our views on masculinity and femininity. Some of these factors include culture, profession, and media among others. Among all these factors, media has the most powerful and persuasive influences on femininity and masculinity. From the activities of the two different genders on social media, people can form different views and ideas on the two genders. Social Media communicates to its audience on a daily basis through the images and other forms of representation that concerns femininity and masculinity. Social media portrays men as authoritative and women are...

Memo 1: Despacito

Despacito Student’s Name Course   TO: FROM: RE: DESPACITO DATE: September 7, 2018 Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee perform Despacito, a Latin reggeaton. The artistic work of the two artists has received major success globally. The song takes music lovers back to the early 2000s when reggaeton was popular. The songs received enormous success in the music world, represented by the huge number of views it gathered in YouTube. Although many viewers do not understand the Spanish language, the video interpretation represents normal day-to-day life experienced by the majority of people. The video represents a people, and their social and cultural activities (Grazian, 2010). The video focus on...

A Class Divided

A Class Divided Students’ Name Professors’ Name Institution Affiliation The fact that the exercise got carried out on a school set up where the characters belong to the same age, education level, colour, and another couple of similar things, it can equally work for a more diversified setup. The reason why it would work in such a setting is that despite how small the class was, there was a range of different personal attributes available which the teacher exploited to bring about division in the class (Elliot, 2003). For this case, the use of the colour of the pupil’s eye by their teacher was well thought out to bring out a clear difference. Therefore, having a diverse setting makes it...