TS Eliot: “The Hollow Men”

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TS Eliot: “The Hollow Men”

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: Academic

Pages: 3

Words: 825

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“The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost
The poem, “The Road Not Taken”, was published in 1916 by Robert Frost. The author integrates complex content amidst the poem’s simple structure. Similar to his other poems, “The Road Not Taken” portrays themes of life and death. He aims to give his readers a clear comprehension of the same. In fact, the poem symbolizes negativity hence incorporation of the word “not” in the title. The poem’s message revolves around the persona’s psychological dilemma (Crowley & Thomas 46-47). The individual contemplates between his present and speculated life. This paper examines instances of decision- making dilemmas thus psychological criticism.
The psychological aspect of the poem begins with the physical setting (Frost 10). The first line of the poem initiates the beginning of psychological criticism.
“Two roads diverged in a yellow wood” (1)
Frost’s readers easily visualize and create images of the roads in their minds (Bloom 30). The poet understands the importance of understanding his readers’ minds. His approach plays a great role in the psychological analysis of the poem. The readers use their unique imaginations to create their preferred settings. There are different interpretations about the two roads and yellow wood.
In addition to literal meanings, the poem depicts metaphorical meanings of the two roads and yellow wood. The latter applies to life decisions …

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