Hebrews 1

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Hebrews 1

Category: Literature Review

Subcategory: Philosophy

Level: High School

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Lessons from the Book of Hebrews Chapter One
Hebrews remains one of the most important epistles that were written to teach the early Christians on important doctrines and encourage them to be steadfast in their faith no matter how challenging it was to be a Christian believer at the time. Although the book was targeted to the Christian community in Hebrew, it still remains a significant in the contemporary society. This article critically analyzes the important contributions of Hebrews 1 to the understanding of the concept of hand, head and heart.
In this chapter, the author centered the message on the role of Jesus Christ as a medium of communication between believers and God especially at this time when we are nearing the last days of the universe. Unlike it was before, God no longer communicates to us through the prophets, but through Jesus Christ, who is more important and powerful than the angles and prophets. As God’s only chosen son, Jesus readily offered His life as a ransom to save humanity from the yoke of sins. This is a very important lesson because it teaches us about the significance of Jesus Christ in Christianity. Had it not been for Him, man would not have been saved from sins. All these were done because of God’s kindness, power and love for man. Otherwise, He would have left man to die because of their sinful acts.
From this chapter, we learn a lot about the concept of hand. As written in the chapter, Jesus, after acco…

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