Characteristics and Outcomes of Patients Admitted with Drug Overdose

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Characteristics and Outcomes of Patients Admitted with Drug Overdose

Category: Dissertation

Subcategory: Medicine

Level: PhD

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Characteristics and Outcomes of Patients Admitted with Drug Overdose in an Intensive Care Unit of Metropolitan Australian hospital
Table 1. Patient Demographics
ICU Admissions during study period 3169
OD Admissions (% amongst total admissions) 255
Percentage of ICU admissions during study period with overdose 8.1%
No. Patients with Repeat Admissions 18/257
Gender Males=95 Females=129 Transgender=1
Among Multiple Presenters 5 male
13 female
Age Mean age (males): 39.3+ 15.4
Mean age (females): 40.6+ 13.8
Mean APACHE-III sore 53.3+ 26
Survival to ICU Discharge
Survival to Hospital Discharge 98.1%
The demographics of the patients indicated that the percentage of drug overdose patients were around 1/10th of the total patients who presented with a drug overdose at the hospital. Therefore, the patients who were admitted were critical and needed immediate intervention. The mean age groups of male and female were approximately the same. This finding indicates that drug overdose occurred in the middle ages. However, the percentage of females who presented with drug overdose were significantly higher than males (p<0.01). The mean APACHE scores were high, which warranted ICU admissions in around 8.1% of overdose patients.
Table 2 and 3: Hospital Demographics & Discharge Destination
Mean (SD) Median (IQR) Range
Hospital LOS (days) 4.26 (6.91) 2.88 (1.8 – 4.8) 0.21 – 99.1
ICU LOS (days) 2.48 (2.15) 1.94 (1.08 – 3.02) 0.2 – 18.9
Length of Mechanical
Ventilation …

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