assignment 4 exam. false belief in children

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assignment 4 exam. false belief in children

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Psychology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

False belief in Children

False Belief in Children
For this experiment, a 5-year-old child who was familiar with Honey Nut Cheerios was presented with its box. When asked what he thought was in the box, he said that it was cereal. Upon opening the box, it, however, turned out to contain gravel. The gravel was then placed back in the box, and the 5-year-old was asked what he assumed his older brother, not currently, in the room would think was in the cereal box. To this question, the child answered that John, when being presented with the same box, would think it contained cereal. After this question, the child was then asked again what he originally thought had been put in the box to which he said he had thought it was cereal.
In the false belief question which pertains to what another person would think was in the box, the child must appreciate that John holds a false belief as to what in the box since John, did not see the contents of the box that would lead him to think it contained anything but cereal. The second question that is posed as to what the child initially thought was in the box is a memory control question since the child has to recall his initial thoughts while setting aside his current knowledge (Bjorklund & Blasi, 2011).
The experiment tests the development of mind-reading and the Theory of Mind in a child. The concepts involve the child’s comprehension that other people might have desires, beliefs, knowledge, and thoughts an…

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