Social Psychology

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Social Psychology

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Psychology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Social Psychology
A social dilemma refers to the conflict between individual and group goals. One may behave altruistically if concern for others outweighs self-concern. When I was faced by a dilemma with my family, I used cooperation as a way to solve the dilemma. Cooperation involves trusting and sharing of ideas with those we interact with. By cooperating, I eliminated the chance to compete thus favouring both sides.
Most people have been in one way or another been victims of system justification. It involves determining what is fair or right in social interaction. Social norms set up by either the government or the people are the determinants of what is right or fair. Poor people are victims of system justification. A simple way to know whether people are victims of system justification is by checking their social status. Poor people are more likely to be victims than rich people.
A poor person can be used to show strategies that he/she can take to improve self-image. The person can use the social creativity strategy. It involves the use of strategies to allow low-status members of a group to perceive it as a better group than others. Alternative characteristics are found to support the group excel. Also, the low-status members can use the collective action strategy. It can be achieved by taking actions to change the status hierarchy to improve the group status.
When I was faced by a dilemma, I responded by cooper…

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