Young People’s attitude toward smoking e

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Young People’s attitude toward smoking e

Category: Research Proposal

Subcategory: Marketing

Level: College

Pages: 5

Words: 1375

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Young People’s attitude toward smoking.
This study will analyze young generation’s experience of smoking. This problem was chosen due to personal interest and experience as a passive smoker. Smoking is one of the most harmful habits among young people. However, scientists and physicians continue to be concerned by the spread of this addiction. According to the WHO (World Health Organization), smoking handles about one in six deaths. Every year over 100,000 smokers in the UK die from smoking related causes. In England about 22 % of men and 17% of women smoke despite all information that shows the danger of smoking (for example in 2012-13, the UK government spent £87.7 million on anti-tobacco advertising).
By the end of high schools approximately about 12.5% of boys and girls smoke. No less is the risk of passive smoking, sometimes referred to as ‘second-hand smoking’. This is where non-smokers are forced to inhale tobacco poisoned air, including nicotine, carbon monoxide, and in much larger quantities than by smoking, hydrogen cyanide, benzene, toluene, acrolein and other toxic and carcinogenic substance. As a result of so-called passive smoking by 34% increases the risk of lung cancer by 50% – vascular disease. .
Every year about 3000 non-smokers dies from lung cancer caused by passive smoking. (WHO)
Children are the main potential victims of tobacco smoking. 250 million of children alive today could die from …

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